Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Exploring The Months of the Year

We have been learning about the months of the year. You can practise at home too!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Water Safety

The Pioneers have been learning about being safe in the water and have been really Brave trying some new things such as jumping into the big pool with a lifejacket and floating around the lazy river with a life jacket. The children have been having a lot of fun learning about water safety.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Pioneer Swimming Fun

How was swimming today Pioneers and what was your favourite part?

 "I dunked my head under the water" said Missi-Lee

"We went in a circle in the water in the big pool" said Baxter

"I put my head under water with my goggles on" said Dylan

"I liked going swimming" said Finnley

"We put our arms around each other and made a circle, to keep us safe" said Elie

"We are in the water and cosy when we were warm" said Lorena

"I put my head under the water with no goggles" said Oliver

"I went under the water in the big pool with no goggles" said Isla

"We went into the lap pool" said Oscar

"It was hard on put our seatbelts on, on the bus" said Quinn D

"The cold water was nice and warm" said Lola

"I dunked my head under the water with no goggles" said Coralee

"I dived in with no goggles" said Nahkita-Lee

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Shotover Air Show

We are doing a lot of thinking around writing this week in Skippers. We're looking at procedural texts (instructions). In order to understand how to write instructions, we had to follow some to make a paper plane.  Check out our planes! Next we're going to write our instructions.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Experimenting with Robots at Town Time

Look at the Joy on the children's faces. They are so excited to be learning using these robots with Miss Emma.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Helping Hands

The Adventurers, Discoverers and Investigators used their Helping Hands and picked up rubbish from around Shotover Country Estate. They found an amazing amount rubbish and some cool irrigation pipes that will be chopped up and used at Town Time.

Thank you to all the parents who came and supported us, carried the big bits and kept us all safe.

Another big thank you to Sharyn and Grant Stalker who gave all those children who helped an ice block for their efforts.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Fireworks Art

Tomorrow is Guy Fawkes night so today we learned about why this night is so famous.  Then the Investigators made fireworks pictures. 

The Investigators dressed as their favourite book characters this morning. What a great variety of books we read! Thanks for your help, Mum and Dad.

A Special Visitor

Miss Helen came to read a story today for Book Day.